Thursday, October 28, 2010

Nothing is truly "bunny-proof"

Even if you remove everything from the room, by the time you turn around it is almost guaranteed that something will have been destroyed. Before I had this batch of bunnies, I didn't even know they could eat the wall. This is an old hole started by our original Three Amigos and continued by the next generation.


RG said...

Nom Nom Nom, Nom Nom Nom, ... lather, rinse repeat!

bunnits said...

Uh oh...

Kylie said...

That happens when we allow our rabbit run free and unsupervised, rabbits also tend to chew on things and will gnaw on furniture and other items when they are not being watched over. Definitely, all your properties will be in danger. That is why I decided to build a rabbit hatch as their sole territory and everything they need is provided in there.